The Issue
Not All Honey is of Equal QualityNot all honey is of equal quality, which is why the True Source Certified® seal was created. While most honey comes from high-quality sources, adulterated and illegally sourced honey has been a global issue. A few years ago, honey was involved in one of the largest food fraud cases. The U.S. has controls in place to protect U.S. consumers and honey companies from cheaper and less-regulated honey products being imported from abroad. However, some honey brokers and importers illegally circumvent these restrictions, selling honey to U.S. companies that is of questionable origin and quality. This threatens the U.S. honey industry by undercutting fair market prices and damaging honey's reputation for quality and safety. Without proper traceability, the task of assuring food safety becomes increasingly difficult and uncertain. Further, ensuring honey authenticity is one of the greatest challenges facing the honey industry. A number of honey testing methods have been developed to detect food fraud, but there is no single universal analytical method available. As a result, U.S. companies and beekeepers find it harder to compete. Quality U.S. honey operations are essential not just to produce high-quality honey supplies, but also for the honeybees needed to pollinate dozens of fruit, vegetable and seed crops. Find out ways you can help be part of the solution or become True Source Certified! |